Thursday, June 18, 2009
Friday, June 12, 2009
Perfustion Fixative II
Making 200 mL of fixative for perfusion (2.5% GA, 4% PFA in 0.1M Phosphate Buffer)
• Heat 120 mL ddH2O to >60C<85C (do not boil)
• Add 8 g powdered Paraformaldehyde and immediately cover flask with foil to avoid toxic vapors (prepare in fume hood if possible)
• Clear with NaOH (one drop at a time, perhaps only one is necessary)
• Cool to RT with an ice bath
• Add 20mL of 25% Gluteraldehyde
• Add 50 mL 0.4M Phosphate Buffer
• QS to 200 mL with ddH2O
• Filter through a hydrophilic filter and aliquot into 50 mL tubes.
• Check pH and adjust to 7.2-7.4 with 1M HCl
• Store at -20C
• Heat 120 mL ddH2O to >60C<85C (do not boil)
• Add 8 g powdered Paraformaldehyde and immediately cover flask with foil to avoid toxic vapors (prepare in fume hood if possible)
• Clear with NaOH (one drop at a time, perhaps only one is necessary)
• Cool to RT with an ice bath
• Add 20mL of 25% Gluteraldehyde
• Add 50 mL 0.4M Phosphate Buffer
• QS to 200 mL with ddH2O
• Filter through a hydrophilic filter and aliquot into 50 mL tubes.
• Check pH and adjust to 7.2-7.4 with 1M HCl
• Store at -20C
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Standard processing for IEM
1. Fixation:
3% PFA in 0.1M Buffer with 0.1% GA and 4% sucrose
2. Wash:
4x15 min. with correlative buffer containing 0.1M Sucrose @ 4C
1x30 min. with correlative buffer containing 0.1M Sucrose and 0.1M Glycine @4C
3. Dehydration with METOH:
30% 1x15 min. @4C
50% 1x15 min. @4C
70% 1x15 min. @-10C
85% 1x15 min. @-20C
95% 1x15 min. @-20C
100% 3x15 min @-30C
6. Infiltration with Lowicryl LK4M:
METOH:LK4M = 1:1 for 1 hr. @-30C
METOH:LK4M = 1:2 for 1 hr. @-30C
METOH:LK4M = 1:3 for 1 hr. @-30C
Pure LK4M 1 hr. @-30C
Pure LK4M overnight @-20C
7. Embedment:
Embed into Beem Capsules and cure under UV in a CO2 environment @-35C for 36 hr. and under UV in a CO2 environment for 12 hr. @ RT.
3% PFA in 0.1M Buffer with 0.1% GA and 4% sucrose
2. Wash:
4x15 min. with correlative buffer containing 0.1M Sucrose @ 4C
1x30 min. with correlative buffer containing 0.1M Sucrose and 0.1M Glycine @4C
3. Dehydration with METOH:
30% 1x15 min. @4C
50% 1x15 min. @4C
70% 1x15 min. @-10C
85% 1x15 min. @-20C
95% 1x15 min. @-20C
100% 3x15 min @-30C
6. Infiltration with Lowicryl LK4M:
METOH:LK4M = 1:1 for 1 hr. @-30C
METOH:LK4M = 1:2 for 1 hr. @-30C
METOH:LK4M = 1:3 for 1 hr. @-30C
Pure LK4M 1 hr. @-30C
Pure LK4M overnight @-20C
7. Embedment:
Embed into Beem Capsules and cure under UV in a CO2 environment @-35C for 36 hr. and under UV in a CO2 environment for 12 hr. @ RT.
Making Urynal Acetate and Lead Citrate
Reynolds lead citrate
Place the following components into a volumetric flask:
1.33 g Lead nitrate
1.76 g sodium citrate
30 ml ddH2O
• Shake vigorously for 1 min and then intermittently for the next 30 minutes. Add 8 ml of 1M NaOH, at which time the solution becomes clear. Use only freshly made carbonate-free NaOH solution. Add ddH2O to the 50 ml mark and mix by inversion until the precipitate is dissolved.
• The pH should be about 12. It will keep for several months if kept stoppered.
• Aliquot into 1.5 mL eppendorf tube through a hydrophobic filter.
• Centrifuge @12k RPM for 3.5 min. before staining.
Uranyl Acetate (3% in 50% Methanol)
Can be made in a 15 mL tube.
0.42 g UA
14 mL 50% Methanol
• Mix and dissolve on a rotator 30 min.
• Store for 2 days @4C before use
• Aliquot into 1.5 mL eppendorf tube through a hydrophilic filter.
• Centrifuge @12k RPM for 3.5 min. before staining.
Place the following components into a volumetric flask:
1.33 g Lead nitrate
1.76 g sodium citrate
30 ml ddH2O
• Shake vigorously for 1 min and then intermittently for the next 30 minutes. Add 8 ml of 1M NaOH, at which time the solution becomes clear. Use only freshly made carbonate-free NaOH solution. Add ddH2O to the 50 ml mark and mix by inversion until the precipitate is dissolved.
• The pH should be about 12. It will keep for several months if kept stoppered.
• Aliquot into 1.5 mL eppendorf tube through a hydrophobic filter.
• Centrifuge @12k RPM for 3.5 min. before staining.
Uranyl Acetate (3% in 50% Methanol)
Can be made in a 15 mL tube.
0.42 g UA
14 mL 50% Methanol
• Mix and dissolve on a rotator 30 min.
• Store for 2 days @4C before use
• Aliquot into 1.5 mL eppendorf tube through a hydrophilic filter.
• Centrifuge @12k RPM for 3.5 min. before staining.
Postembedding Immunolabeling
Postembedding Immunolabeling
1. Cut sections (>100 nm thick) on formvar coated Ni grids
2. Labeling on drops
a. 1x5 min. with 0.1MPBS (pH7.4) containing
i. 1%BSA
ii. 0.05% Triton x-100
iii. 0.05% Tween 20
b. 2 hr. @ RT and @4C overnight with Antibody in 0.01M PBS (pH7.4) containing
i. 1%BSA
ii. 0.05% Tween 20
c. Wash 3x1 min. on drops of 0.01M PBS
d. 1 Hr. @RT Incubation with secondary antibody conjugated with Au labels in 0.1M PBS containing
i. 1% BSA
ii. 0.05% Tween 20
e. Wash 3x1 min. on drops of 0.01M PBS
f. Allow grids to dry
3. Counter stain
a. 3% UA 4 min.
b. Lead citrate <1min.
1. Cut sections (>100 nm thick) on formvar coated Ni grids
2. Labeling on drops
a. 1x5 min. with 0.1MPBS (pH7.4) containing
i. 1%BSA
ii. 0.05% Triton x-100
iii. 0.05% Tween 20
b. 2 hr. @ RT and @4C overnight with Antibody in 0.01M PBS (pH7.4) containing
i. 1%BSA
ii. 0.05% Tween 20
c. Wash 3x1 min. on drops of 0.01M PBS
d. 1 Hr. @RT Incubation with secondary antibody conjugated with Au labels in 0.1M PBS containing
i. 1% BSA
ii. 0.05% Tween 20
e. Wash 3x1 min. on drops of 0.01M PBS
f. Allow grids to dry
3. Counter stain
a. 3% UA 4 min.
b. Lead citrate <1min.
Processing hard to penetrate tissues for standard TEM
1. Fixation:
According to tissue
2. Wash:
3x15 min. with correlative buffer @ RT
3. Osmification:
1 or 2% OsO4 in correlative buffer 1-2 hours @RT
4. Wash:
3x15 min. ddH2O @RT
5. Dehydration with ETOH and Propylene Oxide @RT:
30%, 50%, 70%, 85%, 95%, 100% ETOH 1x20 min. each
200 Proof (pure) ETOH 1x20 min.
Pure PO 2x20 min.
6. Infiltration with Epon:
PO:Epon = 1:1 for 1 hr.
PO:Epon = 1:2 overnight
Pure Epon for >1hr.
7. Embedment:
Embed into blocks and cure @45C overnight and @60C 48 hr.
According to tissue
2. Wash:
3x15 min. with correlative buffer @ RT
3. Osmification:
1 or 2% OsO4 in correlative buffer 1-2 hours @RT
4. Wash:
3x15 min. ddH2O @RT
5. Dehydration with ETOH and Propylene Oxide @RT:
30%, 50%, 70%, 85%, 95%, 100% ETOH 1x20 min. each
200 Proof (pure) ETOH 1x20 min.
Pure PO 2x20 min.
6. Infiltration with Epon:
PO:Epon = 1:1 for 1 hr.
PO:Epon = 1:2 overnight
Pure Epon for >1hr.
7. Embedment:
Embed into blocks and cure @45C overnight and @60C 48 hr.
Standard processing for TEM
1. Fixation:
According to tissue
2. Wash:
3x15 min. with correlative buffer @ RT
3. Osmification:
1 or 2% OsO4 in correlative buffer 1-2 hours @RT
4. Wash:
3x15 min. ddH2O @RT
5. Dehydration with ETOH and Propylene Oxide @RT:
30%, 50%, 70%, 85%, 95%, 100% ETOH 1x15 min. each
200 Proof (pure) ETOH 1x15 min.
Pure PO 2x15 min.
6. Infiltration with Epon:
PO:Epon = 1:1 for 1 hr.
PO:Epon = 1:2 overnight
Pure Epon for >1hr.
7. Embedment:
Embed into blocks and cure @45C overnight and @60C 48 hr.
According to tissue
2. Wash:
3x15 min. with correlative buffer @ RT
3. Osmification:
1 or 2% OsO4 in correlative buffer 1-2 hours @RT
4. Wash:
3x15 min. ddH2O @RT
5. Dehydration with ETOH and Propylene Oxide @RT:
30%, 50%, 70%, 85%, 95%, 100% ETOH 1x15 min. each
200 Proof (pure) ETOH 1x15 min.
Pure PO 2x15 min.
6. Infiltration with Epon:
PO:Epon = 1:1 for 1 hr.
PO:Epon = 1:2 overnight
Pure Epon for >1hr.
7. Embedment:
Embed into blocks and cure @45C overnight and @60C 48 hr.
Processing Platelets for Standard TEM
Protocol for EM of Platelets
1. Anesthesia of mice w/ (Ketamine 4uL, Anased 1uL) 2-2.5 uL/g (body weight)
2. Collect blood by closed-chest cardiac puncture -> 1cc syringe w/ 0.15 mL ACD 23-25-gauge needle
3. Rinse 15 mL Falcon tube with ACD and put collected blood in tube
4. Add 2X vol. Tyrode solution
5. Transfer into 2.0 mL tubes, centrifuge @ 300g at RT for 5 min
6. Put supernatant into 2.0 mL Eppendorf tube
1. Add an amount equal in volume to the platelet suspension of 0.2% Gluteraldehyde in White’s Saline, incubate 20min @ 37 oC
2. Pellet platelets @ 15,000g for 5 min. @25 oC in a benchtop microcentrifuge
3. Fixe the pellet with 3% Gluteraldehyde in White’s Saline @4 oC for 2hr or overnight
3x15 min. w/ White’s Saline @4 oC
1% OsO4 in WBS 1.5 hrs. @4 oC
2x10 min. w/ ddH2O @4 oC
3% UO2 in ddH2O 1 hr. @4 oC
2x10 min. w/ ddH2O @4 oC
• @4 oC, 30%, 50%, 70% ETOH, carefully get the pellet off the wall using angled wood sticks (freshly cut with razor blade)
• Change to room temperature from 85%, 95%, 99.5% 1x15 min.
• 100 (200 Proof) % 2x15 min
• Propylene Oxide 2x15 min RT
• PO : Araldite/Epon = 1:1 for 1 hr. RT
• PO : Araldite/Epon = 1:2 overnight RT
• (Accelerator added to Resin) Pure Resin 1 hr. RT
• Embed into blocks and cure overnight @45 oC and 48hrs. @60 oC
1. Anesthesia of mice w/ (Ketamine 4uL, Anased 1uL) 2-2.5 uL/g (body weight)
2. Collect blood by closed-chest cardiac puncture -> 1cc syringe w/ 0.15 mL ACD 23-25-gauge needle
3. Rinse 15 mL Falcon tube with ACD and put collected blood in tube
4. Add 2X vol. Tyrode solution
5. Transfer into 2.0 mL tubes, centrifuge @ 300g at RT for 5 min
6. Put supernatant into 2.0 mL Eppendorf tube
1. Add an amount equal in volume to the platelet suspension of 0.2% Gluteraldehyde in White’s Saline, incubate 20min @ 37 oC
2. Pellet platelets @ 15,000g for 5 min. @25 oC in a benchtop microcentrifuge
3. Fixe the pellet with 3% Gluteraldehyde in White’s Saline @4 oC for 2hr or overnight
3x15 min. w/ White’s Saline @4 oC
1% OsO4 in WBS 1.5 hrs. @4 oC
2x10 min. w/ ddH2O @4 oC
3% UO2 in ddH2O 1 hr. @4 oC
2x10 min. w/ ddH2O @4 oC
• @4 oC, 30%, 50%, 70% ETOH, carefully get the pellet off the wall using angled wood sticks (freshly cut with razor blade)
• Change to room temperature from 85%, 95%, 99.5% 1x15 min.
• 100 (200 Proof) % 2x15 min
• Propylene Oxide 2x15 min RT
• PO : Araldite/Epon = 1:1 for 1 hr. RT
• PO : Araldite/Epon = 1:2 overnight RT
• (Accelerator added to Resin) Pure Resin 1 hr. RT
• Embed into blocks and cure overnight @45 oC and 48hrs. @60 oC
White's Buffer Solution
White’s Buffer Solution
White’s Solution A
Dissolve 14g NaCl (2.4M), 0.75g KCl (0.1M), 0.55g MgSO4 (46mM), 1.5g Ca(NO3)2.4H2O (64mM) in 100 mL ddH2O, and correct pH to 7.4. Store @ 4 oC
White’s Solution B
Dissolve 1.1g NaHCO3 (0.13M), 0.22 g Na2HPO4.7H2O (8.4mM), 0.05g anhydrous KH2PO4 (3.8mM), 0.01g phenol red in 100mL ddH2O, and correct pH to 7.4. Store @ 4 oC.
White’s Solution A
Dissolve 14g NaCl (2.4M), 0.75g KCl (0.1M), 0.55g MgSO4 (46mM), 1.5g Ca(NO3)2.4H2O (64mM) in 100 mL ddH2O, and correct pH to 7.4. Store @ 4 oC
White’s Solution B
Dissolve 1.1g NaHCO3 (0.13M), 0.22 g Na2HPO4.7H2O (8.4mM), 0.05g anhydrous KH2PO4 (3.8mM), 0.01g phenol red in 100mL ddH2O, and correct pH to 7.4. Store @ 4 oC.
Muscle Processing for Standard TEM
Muscle protocol and flat embedment muscle protocol. Utilize a rotator or shaker if possible for all steps.
1. Fixation:
According to tissue
2. Wash:
2x15 min. 0.1M Tris buffer @RT
2x15 min. isoosmotic buffer @RT
3. Osmification:
1% OsO4 in 0.1M PB 1-2 hours @RT
4. Wash:
3x15 min. ddH2O @RT
5. Dehydration with ETOH and Propylene Oxide @RT:
30%, 50%, 70%, 85%, 95%, 100% ETOH 1x15-20 min. each
200 Proof (pure) ETOH 1x15-20 min.
Pure PO 2x15-20 min.
6. Infiltration with Epon:
PO:Epon = 1:1 for 1 hr.
PO:Epon = 1:2 overnight
Pure Epon for >1hr.
7. Embedment:
Embed into blocks and cure @45C overnight and @60C 48 hr.
1. Fixation:
According to tissue
2. Wash:
2x15 min. 0.1M Tris buffer @RT
2x15 min. isoosmotic buffer @RT
3. Osmification:
1% OsO4 in 0.1M PB 1-2 hours @RT
4. Wash:
3x15 min. ddH2O @RT
5. Dehydration with ETOH and Propylene Oxide @RT:
30%, 50%, 70%, 85%, 95%, 100% ETOH 1x15-20 min. each
200 Proof (pure) ETOH 1x15-20 min.
Pure PO 2x15-20 min.
6. Infiltration with Epon:
PO:Epon = 1:1 for 1 hr.
PO:Epon = 1:2 overnight
Pure Epon for >1hr.
7. Embedment:
Embed into blocks and cure @45C overnight and @60C 48 hr.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Toluidine Blue Stain
Sodium Borate Tetra (EMS, CAT #21130)
Toludine Blue (EMS, Cat # 22050)
150 mL beaker
Magnetic stir plate and bar
Hydrophylic filter
1. Wrap beaker with metal foil and combine the follow ingredients in order in a 150 mL beaker:
a) 1 g Sodium Borate Tetra
b) 100mL ddH2O
c) Stir until dissolved
d) 0.5-0.7 g Toludine Blue
e) Stir until dissolved (can be allowed to mix o/n), cover top so as to not let any light in
2. Filter prior to use
3. Store @RT
Sodium Phosphate Buffer from Monobasic and Dibasic Stock
Processing tissue for Immuno Electron Microscopy
Again buffers and fixative percentages can vary from sample to sample but here's my protocol:
01) Fixation 2hrs. @RT and o/n @4C
02) Wash with buffer containing 4% sucrose 4x15 min. @4C
03) Wash with buffer containing 4% sucrose and 0.1M Glycine 1x30 min. @4C
04) Dehydration with Methanol:
30% 1x15 min. @4C
50% 1x15 min. @4C
70% 1x15 min. @-10C
85% 1x15 min. @-20C
95% 1x15 min. @-20C
100% 3x15 min. @-30C
05) Infiltration with Lowicryl LK4M
Methanol:LK4M = 1:1 1 hr. @-30C
Methanol:LK4M = 1:2 1 hr. @-30C
Methanol:LK4M = 1:3 1 hr. @-30C
Pure LK4M 1 hour @-30C
Pure LK4M o/n @-20C
06) Embed in Beem capsules @-35C with dry nitrogen bubbling in Lowicryl
07) Cure under UV light in a dry ice environment @-35C 36hrs. and @RT for 12 hrs
01) Fixation 2hrs. @RT and o/n @4C
02) Wash with buffer containing 4% sucrose 4x15 min. @4C
03) Wash with buffer containing 4% sucrose and 0.1M Glycine 1x30 min. @4C
04) Dehydration with Methanol:
30% 1x15 min. @4C
50% 1x15 min. @4C
70% 1x15 min. @-10C
85% 1x15 min. @-20C
95% 1x15 min. @-20C
100% 3x15 min. @-30C
05) Infiltration with Lowicryl LK4M
Methanol:LK4M = 1:1 1 hr. @-30C
Methanol:LK4M = 1:2 1 hr. @-30C
Methanol:LK4M = 1:3 1 hr. @-30C
Pure LK4M 1 hour @-30C
Pure LK4M o/n @-20C
06) Embed in Beem capsules @-35C with dry nitrogen bubbling in Lowicryl
07) Cure under UV light in a dry ice environment @-35C 36hrs. and @RT for 12 hrs
Heavy Metal Staining for TEM Thin Sections
Here is a protocol for staining thin sections for transmission electron microscopy:
Set up a moisture chamber:
• In an inverted 60 mm petridish place a 100 mm disk of filter paper and wet with ddH2O
• Cut a piece of parafilm to fit and place it on the wet filter paper in the dish.
Set of ddH2O wash:
• Cut a piece of parafilm
• Wet surface of bench with water
• Place film on water to stick to bench
• Place 100 uL drops of ddH2O on the film in an array of 3 x n where n = the number of grids to be stained
• Place grid on a 5 uL drop of UA in a moisture chamber
• Cover with lid and place chamber in the dark or cover with metal foil to avoid light exposure to the uranium (light can cause U precipitate on section)
• Leave for 20 min.
• Pick up grid with tweezers and tap off remaining UA
• Immediately place onto the first 100 uL drop of ddH2O
• After 2 sec. move grid to second 100 uL drop and let sit for about 1 min.
• Transfer to the third drop for another minute
• Pick up grid with tweezers and tap off remaining water
• Transfer to grid box and allow grid to dry for several minutes
• Cut a new piece of parafilm for the moisture chamber and place 4 or 5 pieces of Sodium Hydroxide around the edges and cover
• Place grid on 5 uL drop of lead citrate while avoiding any exhalation of breath(CO2 can cause Pb precipitate on section)
• Leave for no more than 5 min.
• Pick up grid with tweezers and tap off remaining Pb
• Immediately place onto the first 100 uL drop of ddH2O (again, be careful not to breath on the grid)
• After 2 sec. move grid to second 100 uL drop and let sit for about 1 min.
• Transfer to the third drop for another minute
• Pick up grid with tweezers and tap off remaining water
• Transfer to grid box and allow grid to dry for several minutes
Set up a moisture chamber:
• In an inverted 60 mm petridish place a 100 mm disk of filter paper and wet with ddH2O
• Cut a piece of parafilm to fit and place it on the wet filter paper in the dish.
Set of ddH2O wash:
• Cut a piece of parafilm
• Wet surface of bench with water
• Place film on water to stick to bench
• Place 100 uL drops of ddH2O on the film in an array of 3 x n where n = the number of grids to be stained
• Place grid on a 5 uL drop of UA in a moisture chamber
• Cover with lid and place chamber in the dark or cover with metal foil to avoid light exposure to the uranium (light can cause U precipitate on section)
• Leave for 20 min.
• Pick up grid with tweezers and tap off remaining UA
• Immediately place onto the first 100 uL drop of ddH2O
• After 2 sec. move grid to second 100 uL drop and let sit for about 1 min.
• Transfer to the third drop for another minute
• Pick up grid with tweezers and tap off remaining water
• Transfer to grid box and allow grid to dry for several minutes
• Cut a new piece of parafilm for the moisture chamber and place 4 or 5 pieces of Sodium Hydroxide around the edges and cover
• Place grid on 5 uL drop of lead citrate while avoiding any exhalation of breath(CO2 can cause Pb precipitate on section)
• Leave for no more than 5 min.
• Pick up grid with tweezers and tap off remaining Pb
• Immediately place onto the first 100 uL drop of ddH2O (again, be careful not to breath on the grid)
• After 2 sec. move grid to second 100 uL drop and let sit for about 1 min.
• Transfer to the third drop for another minute
• Pick up grid with tweezers and tap off remaining water
• Transfer to grid box and allow grid to dry for several minutes
Making a loop for grid transfer
Here is an instructional video for making a loop to transfer grids from one drop to another. In the video, they drill a hole in the applicator stick to put the loop into, but it is easier to just whittle the stick to a point and use a 20 ul pipette tip to hold it in place.
Making Resins
Sodium Cacodylate Buffer
0.4M Sodium Cacodylate Buffer (250 mL)
0.4M Sodium Cacodylate = 21.4 g / 250 mL ddH2O
Weigh out 21.4 g Sodium Cacodylate and add to 200 mL H2O. Mix with a magnetic stirring rod. Adding about 8 mL of 0.2M HCl should adjust the pH to 7.2-7.4, however adding stronger HCl drop-by-drop and checking pH will also work. A target pH of 7.4 is better since the pH can lower slightly throughout processing. QS to 250 mL with ddH2O.
0.4M Sodium Cacodylate = 21.4 g / 250 mL ddH2O
Weigh out 21.4 g Sodium Cacodylate and add to 200 mL H2O. Mix with a magnetic stirring rod. Adding about 8 mL of 0.2M HCl should adjust the pH to 7.2-7.4, however adding stronger HCl drop-by-drop and checking pH will also work. A target pH of 7.4 is better since the pH can lower slightly throughout processing. QS to 250 mL with ddH2O.
Perfusion Fixative I
Making 200 mL of fixative for perfusion (1% GA, 4% PFA in 0.1M Phosphate Buffer)
• Heat 120 mL ddH2O to >60C<85C (do not boil)
• Add 8 g powdered Paraformaldehyde and immediately cover flask with foil to avoid toxic vapors (prepare in fume hood if possible)
• Clear with NaOH (one drop at a time, perhaps only one is necessary)
• Cool to RT with an ice bath
• Add 8mL of 25% Gluteraldehyde
• Add 50 mL 0.4M Phosphate Buffer
• QS to 200 mL with ddH2O
• Filter through a hydrophilic filter and aliquot into 50 mL tubes.
• Check pH and adjust to 7.2-7.4 with 1M HCl
• Store at -20C
Note: This fixative was designed to preserve muscle tissue. This protocol will also work with other buffers (PBS or Cacodylate) and with different percentages of fixative. Many times 2.5% GA is more appropriate.
• Heat 120 mL ddH2O to >60C<85C (do not boil)
• Add 8 g powdered Paraformaldehyde and immediately cover flask with foil to avoid toxic vapors (prepare in fume hood if possible)
• Clear with NaOH (one drop at a time, perhaps only one is necessary)
• Cool to RT with an ice bath
• Add 8mL of 25% Gluteraldehyde
• Add 50 mL 0.4M Phosphate Buffer
• QS to 200 mL with ddH2O
• Filter through a hydrophilic filter and aliquot into 50 mL tubes.
• Check pH and adjust to 7.2-7.4 with 1M HCl
• Store at -20C
Note: This fixative was designed to preserve muscle tissue. This protocol will also work with other buffers (PBS or Cacodylate) and with different percentages of fixative. Many times 2.5% GA is more appropriate.
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